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Computer Science is visited by the Experts

This quarter my classroom was fortunate to be visited by two local computer science experts- Mr. Bradley Wilson and Mr. Bryant Freitag. My students and I are truly grateful for their time and willingness to share about their careers in Computer Science.

On December 16th, KD Alumni and a former student of mine, Mr. Bradley Wilson came to discuss his career as a Network Specialist for a Baltimore-based financial firm. Mr. Wilson shared his career path adventure with the students, even sharing how his involvement in high school and college teams and groups led to his current success. Mr. Wilson provided a metaphor to the students to better understand the major parts of a computer network was to compare it to the US Postal system, it really helped the students. After his visit, several students expressed how they were taken back by how Mr. Wilson does not fit the normal 'IT stereotype'. We discussed how this perception is quickly changing.

On January 4th, Mr. Bryant Freitag, the CTO of Big Huge Games in Timonium came to discuss the benefits and responsibilities of being a video game developer. His major discussion points included the laid back work atmosphere in the technology industry, which is also accompanied with personal drive and high expectations. He also shared the process of developing a new video game, the struggles of programming mobile compatible games and what makes a 'fun' game that will keep the player' attention. With the SEMS Coding Club, Mr. Freitag took time to see the games students have made this year using Scratch. He gave some useful feedback and encouraged the students to take their game ideas further. Finally, Mr. Freitag shared some useful free programs that students can continue to learn and practice their coding skills. Although his focus is on game developing, Mr. Freitag promoted the importance of computer literacy in any career field.

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Stephanie Coleman- 
Computer Science Teacher, Technology Integrator
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